Julia Owoc

Julia Owoc is a seasoned writer and industry expert specialising in emerging technologies and financial technology (fintech). She holds a Master’s degree in Information Systems from the University of New Jersey, where she honed her analytical and research skills. Julia has spent over a decade immersed in the tech landscape, contributing to various publications and platforms. Her professional experience includes a significant role at Fintech Innovators Inc., where she was instrumental in shaping content strategies that illuminate complex financial topics for diverse audiences. Through her insightful articles and reports, Julia aims to bridge the gap between technology and finance, making the latest developments accessible and understandable to readers worldwide.

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Вибух класики з AI В епоху, коли технології часто визначають наші читацькі звички, видавнича компанія Rebind.ai вносить свіжий вигляд у літературний світ. Заснована Джоном Дюбюком і Джоном Каагом, Rebind поєднує…